Country Short name

Headquarter in Torino (Italy). COMAU is a global supplier of Industrial Automation Systems for Automotive Manufacturers and a global provider of Full Maintenance Services. It offers services as System Integrator to Automotive Customers worldwide and complete Engineering solutions for Automation Systems. 

Its Business Unit COMAU Robotics & Final Assembly designs and manufactures articulated and Cartesian industrial robots. It has developed a complete range of robots and a vast selection of solutions for car body related applications. 

COMAU robots are available in a wide range of state-of-the-art models with innovative kinematics solutions and are designed for use in the most demanding applications (welding, assembly, manipulation, technological processes and mechanical machining applications). 

The continuous research (leading to innovative solutions, the simplicity of its products and applications), led to an important and consolidated presence on large assembly lines in the automotive industry in all world, as well as in applications for medium and small industries.

Activities in the ARFLEX project

The ARFLEX demonstrator will be developed on a C4G standard control equipment. COMAU consider as “background know how“:

·      C4G architecture, SW and HW;

·      C4G control and trajectory planning algorithms;

·      C4G technologies based on robot dynamic model;

·      C4G robot dynamic model;

·      all information and data on COMAU robots dynamic properties to be used for the project;

·      models and related techniques used to represent the robot dynamics for simulations and design purposes;

COMAU will consider as COMAU “foreground know how “:

·      all COMAU specific contributes to the project and demonstrator design and development;

·      all integration solutions and algorithm adaptation specific for integration in C4G control platform.

Exploitation plans

Plans to integrate new concepts, new embedded components and resources in the development of the next COMAU robots generation. COMAU will attentively evaluate and exploit the potential new applications as substitute of more conventional equipment in the floor shop.

The aim is to increase the ratio between “value” and cost of the next generation of industrial robot strongly. This means:

·      more industrial application and market for European robot builder and robotic applications companies;

·      more advantages for European SME from a larger application of industrial robots for medium/low volumes production ( see competition with far East countries ).

The context of the introduction of ARFLEX components/ architecture is the next COMAU robot generation ( the 5th generation ).

Address Telephone Contact

Via Rivalta, 30

10095 Grugliasco, TO


+39 011 6849111
Fax Web site
+39 011 789356