EICAS Automazione S.p.A

Country Short name

EICAS Automazione S.p.A. is a small-size Italian engineering company located in Torino (Italy), independent of any industrial group. EICAS was established in 1984 by a group of professors of the Politecnico di Torino and industrial researcher, led by Francesco Donati, with the aim to set up a company excelling in the complex system management and control area. 

The core of EICAS scientific background concerns dynamic system modelling, simulation and control, signal theory and applied mathematics. he main activity areas are:

·      digital control systems

·      vehicle control systems

·      spacecraft control systems

·      handling of flexible materials

·      factory automation

Activities in the ARFLEX project

The EICAS main background I.P. is related to the software tool EICASLAB, which will be adopted as basic tool in the ARFLEX control system design and will put at disposal of all the partners involved in the control design, testing and tuning in the field. 

Moreover, the EICAS background includes the original control methodology which will adopted in ARFLEX with the aim to achieve a performance more advanced than the present state of art. 

The EICAS main foreground will be the concept, logic, algorithms and software of the ARFLEX automatic control from which a significant improvement of the demonstrator accuracy is expected with respect to the present state of art.

Exploitation plans

EICAS plans to exploit its background and foreground IP according to two lines:

·      a short term line oriented to industrialize, with COMAU and ACCENT, the embedded system resulting from the prototype developed in the project for a new generation of robots;

·      a longer term line oriented to the exploitation of EICAS results in the large robot market, which will be preliminarily investigated in the frame of the WP8 related to the embedded design for a large robot market impact.

Address Telephone Contact

Via Vincenzo Vela, 27

10128 TORINO


+39 011 5623798 info@eicas.it
Fax Web site
+39 011 4360679 www.eicas.it